So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands. Psalms 78:72
I just finished reading The Right to Lead by John C. Maxwell. Wow. I thought this book looked a little "light" at first. It appeared to be a loose collection of tidbits from other books that had been repackaged for resale. I was half right. Much of the content is not new, but from other Maxwell books et al. However, it is not loose. The content is a soul searching look at what a leader is, and is not.
The main premise is that leadership is a right, not a title. People will follow you based on title because of the structure of authority setup in certain places. However, that does not make a person a leader. John tackles 7 key qualities of leadership: Action, Vision, Sacrifice, Risk, Determination, Service, and Integrity. Each section has key insights in small and concise summaries. Additionally, many biographies show real life examples of these qualities in action and the resulting leadership of the individual.
This is a fantastic book. It made me look at myself as a leader. Am I living up to the potential God has given me? Am I honoring the place God has put me in? Am I trying to be better? I have read this book several times already and will probably do so several more.