
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blessing Continues

Freedom!  True freedom.  I have to share my heart continually rejoices over the Blessing series at our church.  We continue to see and hear people blessing others and reclaiming that which was lost.  Last week was a particularly touching time for me.  As I was concluding the message, my pastor came up and gave me a blessing in front of the whole church.  It was amazing!  My prayer is that the example he set in humility and action will continue to multiply throughout the congregation.

Click here to listen to the sermon:  High Value
Click here to listen to the sermon:  Spoken Message

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

180 - This Changes Everything

I invite you to watch this movie from Living Waters.  It is called 180.  It is a direct stand against abortion in our country and any"fluffy" labels or ideas we may put on it to justify killing of innocents.

The link to the movie is at the bottom of the post.  I must warn you that there is some disturbing content.  The video is definitely not for children.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Blessing is Starting!

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19

It's starting!  This past Sunday was the start to our sermon series on the Blessing and the tie-in to the new movie, Courageous.  In case you're confused, here's a link to the movie:  COURAGEOUS

The series started off well.  I'm really excited to see God moving in this.  Already there are hearts responding to the message.  People are wanting to know more, connect with Jesus, read the book, sharing their need for touch and a blessing!  How awesome!

Click here to listen to the sermon:  Meaningful Touch

Til next time!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Never Forget in the Dark What God Showed You in the Light (still searching)

It's been a tremendous journey the past few months.  Hence, the break in writing.

The most amazing part of the journey is God's faithfulness to teach me.  The lesson was laid out and He's been working to help me with each piece.  I wrote in the first entry about the dark place and how I was hurting.  How He had set up a plan to drive me to the movie and the teaching.  Well, it's about to begin.  We're starting the Blessing series in our church this Sunday.  I am so excited!

The path has been rough!  Lots of spiritual attacks on myself and my family.  I so cherish my wife for her strength and discernment along the way.  When I saw worldly answers, she was quick to point to God.  We recently finished an amazing journey together.  I truly am blessed to heave her beside me.

So what's next?  We'll see.  I'll post links to sermons along the way and be diligent in writing of the joys and pitfalls!

The Runner's Devotional by Dana Niesluchowski and Dave Veerman

The Runner's Devotional  by Dana Niesluchowski and Dave Veerman

The Runner's Devotional is much more than the title portrays.  It is a devotional, no doubt.  However, its also a guide, a journal and inspiring.  The book is written by 2 seasoned Christians who are also runners.  They go beyond putting together a training manual for your body.  They go after your heart as well.  The book is divided into 52 weeks of devotions.  Each week has 7 sections: a narrative, "The Runner", "The Race", "The Result", "My Story", "Think it Through", and "On Running".  The narrative section sets a theme for the week.  It focuses what the author's goal is.  The Runner section applies the spiritual background to the theme.  The Race section ties it together.  The Result looks at what happens when the lesson is put into application.  The My Story section is a real life account from someone that ties back into the theme for the week.  Think It Through gives questions to focus on while training that week.  Finally, the On Running section provides practical information on running and training.

In their book, the authors have done a great job on taking the physical activity of running and making it a Spiritual training tool.  I really enjoy reading through the weeks and seeing how they have put so much care in building someone spiritually and that the physical is a bonus.  You can really see their hearts in their writing.

I did like this book.  I'd give the book 5 out of 5.  I look forward to sharing it with my friends who are training.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers  as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”