Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Discernment is a big word. A quick definition is the act of grasping the obscure. Looking deeper into a thing for the truth. Do you do this in daily life? Of course you do. It's the thing that keeps you from falling for the scam on the internet. That "uneasy feeling" you get when you take a wrong turn. We use it in our daily life, but what about in our spiritual life?
When we follow Jesus we are called to test the spirits that come to us. The spirits we are talking about are coming to us all the time. It may be a book we read, a TV show we watch, a teaching we hear, or even a thought we have. In all these things we are to look at them in context of Jesus. Is He being honored and glorified, or ignored? Is He being proclaimed, or disdained? Is He being spoken of as The Way, or one of many choices?
The truth is there are many false teachers. Many. More and more people are coming out against Christianity as the only way to eternal life. That is a lie. Even more disturbing are teachers that put on a "mask" of Christianity and then speak lies. These teachers are able to make it past some of the initial defense we have against outright blasphemy and instead come with more subtle lies. They are straight from the devil. If you need proof, look at Genesis 3:1-5.
More to come....
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