During the pastor's conference my bowels began to react to something from breakfast. Three of us in the group were suffering from the same symptoms: Pastor Moses, one of the road team and myself. None of us knew about the others until later. God sustained us and we all pushed through. It's funny in the video of the event. I actually am green as the time goes on.
I had prayed for humility before this conference. It seemed almost ridiculous that these people who possess a faith that dwarfs mine would come to hear me speak. So I prayed for humility and submission. Let me tell you, stomach/intestine issues in a rural area in India will humble anyone. There are no secrets (or soundproof restrooms) in India so everyone quickly knew. The experience definitely put me in a place of humbleness.
As with God using all things for Him, this incident was no different. While it took a toll on our bodies, it did cause our team to have to slow down and rest. We had attended a birthday celebration Wednesday night and did not get back to the hotel until after midnight. Then, Jay and I had to pack and prepare for a 5a departure Thursday morning. No sleep and lots of ministry was taking its toll. We needed rest and God used this to recharge His workers.
That night one of the members gave me some kind of pill that stopped everything (no pun intended). Coupled with a good night of sleep we were ready for ministry on Friday.
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