On Saturday we went to another Nissi Faith church belonging to Pastor Lazarus. Here we held a widow's meeting.
In parts of India, widows are considered bad luck and often cast out of their families. As a result, many are left to fend for themselves and are the objec of scorn and harsh words. One of the many ministries Nissi Faith has is to serve these women.
Our meeting was one of praise and worship, message and encouragement. Both Jay and I used God's word to encourage hearts and hopefully set a seed so that these women will change their identity. Prayerfully they will not see themselves as worthless, but the prize of God.
At the conclusion of the meeting we handed out new saris to the women and all enjoyed a meal together.
The widows break my heart. It is difficult for me to grasp that they are told they are bad luck, worthless and unwanted. And then we see them believe these lies and live as though they were true. My heart!
In parts of India, widows are considered bad luck and often cast out of their families. As a result, many are left to fend for themselves and are the objec of scorn and harsh words. One of the many ministries Nissi Faith has is to serve these women.
Our meeting was one of praise and worship, message and encouragement. Both Jay and I used God's word to encourage hearts and hopefully set a seed so that these women will change their identity. Prayerfully they will not see themselves as worthless, but the prize of God.
At the conclusion of the meeting we handed out new saris to the women and all enjoyed a meal together.
The widows break my heart. It is difficult for me to grasp that they are told they are bad luck, worthless and unwanted. And then we see them believe these lies and live as though they were true. My heart!
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