
Monday, November 12, 2012

Gifts for Children

Yesterday was full of amazing things.  I spent the day alone with Pastor Moses.  Jay was unfortunately at work and could not get away.  He missed an adventure.

The day started with a trip back out to the orphanage.  What an experience.  I was able to give out the gifts that you all so generously donated.

Happy faces tell of fun times to come with kazoos, kaleidoscopes, coloring pencils and books, and jingle bells.  The children had a ball!  Many games and drawings.  Complete laughter and fascination from children and adults over the kaleidoscopes.  I felt in awe.  Such simple things that brought so much joy.  Real joy.

The children then taught me "This is the Day" in their language, Telugu.  I will not include a sound file, but if you ask, I'll sing it for you :)

One thing my wife commented on as she looked at all my pictures so far was that all the children look happy.  Big smiles and hearts are always seen.  How can this be the case in an orphanage where each child's story is so heart touching?  I can give you a hint.  (JESUS!)


  1. Hey Bill and Jay!
    Looks like an awesome trip. Where can we see more photos?


    1. I'll try to setup a Flickr or similar account. I'll keep you posted.
